Council Members

Constitution update

Bylaws and Continuing Resolutions Update

Core Values/Guiding Principles

  1. Pray first. Pray always. Expect God to answer prayer generously.
  2. Honor God by following Jesus’ example of compassion. For example, forgive and share like Jesus.
  3. We’re in it together with God and each other. Prioritize community and relationship.
  4. Be bold and courageous and open to change in pursuing God’s mission. Don’t give up. Expect pushback and resistance.
  5. No matter what or when or how or who, serve others!

Turn Zion’s Core Values/Guiding Principles into Devotions at Every Meeting

Council Packets

December 12-16-24 Council Packet

October Council Packet

August Council Packet

July Council Packet

June Council Packet

05-20-24 Council Packet.pdf

04-15-24 Council Packet.pdf

03-18-24 Council Packet.pdf

02-19-24 Council Packe.pdf

1-15-24 Council Packet.pdf

2023 Council Packets

Council Minutes

11-18-24 Council Minutes.pdf

10-21-24 Council Minutes.pdf

09-16-24 Council Minutes.pdf

08-26-24 Council Minutes.pdf

07-24-24 Council Minutes.pdf

Council Minutes June 17, '24.docx

05-20-24 Council Minutes

4-15-24 Council Minutes.pdf

03-18-24 Council Minutes.pdf

02-19-24 Council Minutes.pdf

1-28-24 Reorganization Mtg.pdf

1-15-24 Council Minutes.pdf

2023 Council minutes


📏 Robert’s Rules of Order Basics


Zion Policy Handbook

Anxiety: the experience of perceiving a threat and other resources for

Review of Pastor

4x per year, by President and Vice President

Performance Review Conversation.pdf

background reading on the above form