June activity
- Sundays
- Wedding: Allison George and Brian Fick
- Funerals: Jackie Tunis, Robert Stroupe
Ministry of Presence and Relationship
- regular communication with Pastor Fue and Kirangare Parish leaders
- one-on-ones with Zion people and guests in worship
- hospital and home communion visits
- Housing Justice Community Forum on 6/3
- Pastor’s continuing education: Living School trimester 2 modules 3-7 and circle online gathering
Admin and Planning
- Pastor Janine will leave Zion’s staff. Her last Sunday will be August 11. She announced this to the congregation Sunday, July 7. I forwarded her letter of resignation to council by email on July 9.
- Listening team is moving congregation from listening to action.
- Listening Team + Council meeting June 12
- began planning of Sunday, August 18 “Kingdom Caucus” congregational event
- Finance leaders began exploring Breeze, which is also our new eNews platform
- Colleen’s 6-8 week medical leave continued. Assuming her doctor’s approval, she will return to work Monday, July 29.
- Vacation: June 24-26
Synod and Colleagues
- weekly Pastor’s bible study