May activity


Ministry of Presence and Relationship


Admin and Planning

Synod and Colleagues



The listening campaign concluded 5/16 with a debrief meeting. We celebrated and heard an initial report of what the team heard on Sunday, 5/19. The listening team meet again on 5/28 and discerned 9 top themes (or areas of potential action) from what it heard.

At council’s invitation, the listening team prepared a written report and planned to meet with council on 6/12.

Break In

On 5/22, Colleen submitted a claim to Church Mutual for repairing property damage and replacing stolen items for just over $15,100. Our deductible was $2,500, so we never expected more than $12,600. On 5/30, Church Mutual sent us a check for a little over $8,800–a shortfall of roughly $3,800. But it appears they made a mistake, and Kathy Morris is contesting their payout amount.

Meanwhile, Jonathan Turner published a news article about Zion on, titled: Davenport church forgives man who robbed them. In response to the article, Trenton’s grandfather reached out to Pastor Clark. He assured Zion that Trenton is not alone but is well-loved and supported by his family. He thanked Zion for our forgiveness, our letters to Trenton, and our prayers. “I was very moved to hear about your letter,” he said.

Finally, office staff and volunteers have decided to keep the main doors locked at all times. Guests can ring the video doorbell, and we can see them, chat with them, and buzz them in.

Rural Shrink Smart

I’m still thinking about this presentation at Synod Assembly by ISU researchers. It is based in research in Iowa rural communities but is relevant for congregations everywhere. Key takeaways are about what to focus on and how to think.

Focus on improving quality of life even while population goes down

New paradigms:

June plans